Ohio Men's Action Network

OHMAN—Ohio Men’s Action Network
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Ohio Men’s Action Network is to end relationships and sexual violence in Ohio.
Vision Statement:
The Ohio Men’s Action Network (OHMAN) is a network of men and women, as individuals and as representatives of local and state organizations, working to engage men and boys in efforts to prevent sexual violence; sexual exploitation; domestic, intimate partner, family and relationship violence and to promote equitable, nonviolent relationships and a culture free of oppression. We seek to create and support communities where all people can live free of violence within their relationships, and share in their commitment to respect, safety, and equality.
The main roles of OHMAN include the following:
- Provide a structure for those who are, or who are interested in, engaging men to support each other, learn from each other, and exchange resources;
- Help identify and create resources, tools, and other products to assist efforts to engage men and boys in prevention;
- Develop the capacity of local programs and communities to engage men and boys in prevention;
- Create a network for men and men’s organizations who are engaged to support each other, exchange resources, and offer collective support to the women’s leadership in Ohio;
- Provide a state-wide voice of men and boys for the prevention of sexual and domestic violence.
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Know Better. Do Better. Be Better
A gender-based violence prevention campaign geared towards creating and supporting communities with the purpose of the ‘Know Better. Do Better. Be Better.’ Campaign and The New Playbook is to enhance the quality of life on campus by establishing healthier definitions of masculinity and healthier norms surrounding gender-based violence.
Each individual engaged will be encouraged to gain new knowledge and skills to influence others and to promote healthy relationships, healthy sexuality, and healthy communities throughout Ohio. The campaign is designed for young men and boys, professionals, and other campus influencers who work to transform harmful gender norms, establish gender equality, and learn active bystander skills.
The campaign will offer three levels of engagement:
- The first level utilizes customizable social media and marketing materials to raise awareness of the campaign and related issues across campus.
- The second level introduces sexual and domestic violence prevention-related themes through live programming to inspire young men and boys to become vocal and active in ending gender-based violence in their communities.
- The third incorporates The NEW VIRTUAL Playbook: Standing Strong to Promote Non-Violence as an asynchronous curriculum that is informative, interactive, and appeals to all learning styles.
In collaboration with our partners, SARNCO, OAESV, BRAVO, and Stonewall, OHMAN is excited to bring you “Courageous Conversations with Ohio Men.” This initiative aims to foster an open dialogue surrounding masculinity within the LGBTQIA+ community, including perspectives from heterosexual cisgender men.
Through these conversations, we seek to explore the multifaceted aspects of masculinity, challenge stereotypes, and create a space for meaningful discussions that encompass the experiences of all men. Our goal is to contribute to a better understanding of diverse experiences within the LGBTQIA+ community, promoting inclusivity and recognizing the unique narratives of heterosexual cisgender men alongside others.
Join us in this important dialogue as we strive to break barriers, challenge preconceptions, and celebrate the rich diversity of experiences within the realm of masculinity in the LGBTQIA+ community, acknowledging the valuable contributions of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Introducing The New Playbook: Standing Strong to Promote Non-Violence
On behalf of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) and the Ohio Men’s Action Network (OHMAN), we are excited to share with you our “NEW VIRTUAL Playbook: Standing Strong to Promote Non-Violence” an asynchronous learning platform that consists of 10 gender-based violence prevention modules geared toward creating and supporting communities where all people can live free of violence within their relationships, and share in their commitment to respect, safety, and equality.
The purpose of The New Playbook is to enhance the quality of life on campuses by establishing a healthier definition of masculinity and norms surrounding gender-based violence. Training participants will each create an Action Plan that will be supported in its implementation by Glenn A. Harris, ODVN’s Assistant Director of Prevention. Each participant will be encouraged to use their new knowledge and skills to influence others and to promote healthy relationships and healthy sexuality.
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Define violence and its impact on individuals and communities
- Recognize behaviors that silently support violence perpetration
- Understand the necessary qualities for anti-violence leadership within their social networks
And will leave the training:
- Equipped with the tools to influence their social networks to prevent violence, and
- With new opportunities to become involved in the statewide and national movements to end gender-based violence
Please use the link below to access the NEW Virtual TNP here: https://ohman-odvn.talentlms.com/.
Steering Committee
The purpose of OHMAN’s Steering Committee is broad oversight of OHMAN, including but not necessarily limited to:
- Vision
- Infrastructure
- Funding priorities
- Policy discussions and agenda setting (both internal to the organization and regarding emerging issues in the movement)
- Strategic planning
Responsibilities of the OHMAN Steering Committee include:
- Regularly participate in Steering Committee-related conference calls.
- Regularly participate in OHMAN general meetings and events.
- Work on projects and serve on committees that are needed to ensure the success of OHMAN as an efficient, community-oriented network.
- Policy discussions and agenda setting (both internal to the organization and regarding emerging issues in the movement)
- Assist with the development and monitoring of OHMAN goals, objectives, and strategic plan.
- Allow your name, image, and/or likeness to appear in OHMAN publications and other media statements.
- Participate with workgroups charged by the Steering Committee
Founding Organizations
We owe so much to the groups listed here. Their passion, guidance and support have made this effort possible.
- Asha Ray Of Hope
- Battered Women’s Shelter / Rape Crisis Center / Summit and Medina Counties
- Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO)
- Columbus Urban League
- Crime Victim Services of Allen County & Lima Striders
- OneEighty (formerly known as Every Woman’s House)
- Healthy Fathering Collaborative of Greater Cleveland
- Lorain County Safe Harbor DBA Genesis House
- MaleSurvivor
- New Directions
- Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
- Ohio Attorney General’s Office
- Ohio Department of Health
- Ohio Domestic Violence Network
- Project Woman of Springfield and Clark County
- Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO)
- The Center for Family Safety and Healing
- The Ohio State University
- The Cocoon Shelter (formerly known as The SAAFE Center)
- Toledo Children’s Hospital
- Tri-County Help Center, Inc.
- Turning Point
- UMADAOP Lucas County
- University of Toledo Student Social Work Organization
- YWCA Eastern Area
Additional OHMAN Information
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Ohio Men’s Action Network?
OHMAN is a program that specifically addresses primary prevention of domestic and sexual violence. Primary prevention means members of OHMAN are working to address violence before it happens by changing the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals. We also work at the community level to challenge the norms that support violence.
Is OHMAN only for men?
No, OHMAN is a network of men and women throughout the state who share the common goal of preventing domestic and sexual violence in Ohio. However, our primary audiences are men & boys.
I know a man who is a victim of sexual assault. I know another man who is a victim of domestic violence; should I refer them to OHMAN?
OHMAN is primarily focused on preventing violence before it happens. We recognize that men can be victims of domestic & sexual violence, and will offer referrals for those who are seeking help or advocacy services.
Who can I contact if I wanted to become more involved?
You can email Glenn A. Harris directly at glennh@odvn.org.
Take the Pledge
- Never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence;
- Be an active ally in promoting healthy relationships;
- Set a positive example for men & boys by modeling healthy relationships;
- Promote my growth through education about gender-based violence;
- Join others to build a renewed society in which families and communities are stronger;
- Seek professional help, now, if I am violent toward others.
Men have been waiting to have authentic conversations about what it means to be a man with other men. Thus we need to create, embrace, and foster these communications, campaigns, and support groups to ensure these conversations happen all across Ohio.
But how do you do it? So many groups of inspired men fizzle out due to a lack of support and/or knowledge of the steps to take to make a real impact. That is why we exist – to provide resources in the form of content and connection. Strive to be an ally of Ohio Men’s Action Network to become part of something much bigger than yourself. Click on the link to learn how YOU can get involved with OHMAN!
Partner with OHMAN
OHMAN Partner Organizations—OHMAN partners are organizations (non-profits, anti-violence organizations, corporate sponsors) who support and believe in the values of the Ohio Men’s Action Network
Responsibilities of Partners include:
- Identify potential advocates from within their organization
- Offer OHMAN awareness-raising events, and programs within their organization
- Disseminate OHMAN messaging and materials to their organizational members
OHMAN Advocate – Advocates are engaged, active individuals who have taken the OHMAN pledge.
Responsibilities of Advocates include:
- Disseminate OHMAN messages to their communities
- Identify possible partner organizations
- Recruit people to attend OHMAN events, trainings, and workshops
- Participate in workshops and training opportunities to be informed about issues related to relationship and sexual violence and related resources in their communities.
OHMAN Ally – An ally takes the pledge and is interested in learning more about OHMAN work in general.
Responsibilities of an Ally include:
- Express support via social media (liking OHMAN’s Facebook page, sharing, join the listserv,)
- Attend OHMAN events, trainings, and workshops
- Spread OHMAN message within their networks
Local groups – For those interested in OHMAN work at the local level (communities, colleges & universities, etc.)
Responsibilities of local groups include:
- Disseminate OHMAN messages to their communities
- Offer OHMAN-sponsored events, trainings, workshops, and programs in their communities
- Promote attendance at statewide OHMAN events, conferences, and programs
- Recruit and develop local allies and advocates
- Identify and support relationships with OHMAN partners in their communities
Get in touch. Get involved.
174 E Long Street #200 Columbus, OH 43215