Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence: Advocacy at the Intersections (Morning Session)
Join ODVN for this all-day workshop where you will learn about Human Trafficking as it relates to domestic violence. The day will be divided into six different sessions, designed to give you in-depth knowledge about human trafficking and how to offer better service to survivors.
Session 1: Human Trafficking 101
Time:10:00 am – 11:00 am
Trainer: Maria Busch, Ohio Department of Public Safety, Office of Criminal Justice Services; Keyna Smith, MSSA, LSW, The Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Title and Credentials: Acting State Anti-Trafficking Coordinator
Description: Maria will introduce the Governor’s Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force, provide an overview of human trafficking, discuss policy and legislation, and provide information on human trafficking data and statistics for the state of Ohio. Keyna will speak on the intersection of human trafficking and domestic violence.
Session 2: Considerations for Sheltering Survivors of Human Trafficking
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Trainers: Kelli Cary, LISW-S & Elaine Oliver, RAHAB Ministries
Title and Credentials: Vice President of Programming & Director of Adult Safe House
Description: Kelli and Elaine will address the topics of human trafficking victim identification, challenges to identification, and key considerations for sheltering survivors.
CEUs: To obtain 4 CEUs, you are required to attend the entire training. You will be asked to fill out an evaluation prior to receiving a certificate of attendance.
Deadline to Register: May 4, 2021
American Sign Language interpreters will be available.
Upon registering, you should receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. If you have not, please contact us at